Term Time Clubs - Denfield Park


Denfield Park Primary School
Victoria Road
NN10 0DA


We run Breakfast Clubs on Monday - Friday. We will serve breakfast until 8.30am and children can take part in a variety of activities and sports.

To book regular sessions, please book below. If you wish to book ad-hoc sessions, please ring us on 01604 686367 or email us: info@pacesettersports.co.uk


If you are paying by this method please make your order up to the "Review Order" stage and then contact the office on 01604 686367. Your booking will be confirmed on receipt of payment from the voucher provider.


Please see details below about our sports clubs and what to bring with you.

For our after school clubs, please send your child to school with a change of clothes and they will change for the club before we start. Please collect your child at 4.30pm.


Our Multi Sports club can take place inside or outside. Your child will need to wear appropriate comfortable clothing (such as PE kit or their own clothing). Please ensure that they have suitable footwear for indoor or outdoor use.

Within the club we teach the basic, generic skills that can in theory then be transferred over to a range of sports. It also allows us to pick up which skills your child is particularly strong in. As the club name suggests, your child will learn a range of skills including running, jumping, throwing, catching, hopping, skipping, agility, balance, co-ordination, kicking, plus lots more. We will then incorporate these skills into different sports each week which will include cricket, athletics, hockey, football and dodgeball to name a few.

On this club the children will be working towards the Pacesetter Multi Sports Awards (which can be purchased separately if they are successful).


Our Spy club can take place inside or outside. Your child will need to wear appropriate comfortable clothing (such as PE kit or their own clothing). Please ensure that they have suitable footwear for indoor or outdoor use.

Spy club includes a range of missions that the children will complete weekly. Instructions for the missions will be read out or played to the children through a pre-recorded video/audio. Children will receive a special ID badge that they can customise and design. This will then be laminated for them to keep and bring to spy club. Missions will include a range of teamwork, sports based, problem solving and codebreaking missions for the children to undertake. These are very fun and engaging activities suitable to all ages.

The children will be working towards different badges each term depending on what key areas they have excelled in. Eg...levels 1-5 in Teamwork, intelligence, Fitness and more.

YearsTimeDatesCost inc VAT
Autumn Term Monday Breakfast ClubR-607.45 - 08.45Nov 4th 11th 18th 25th
Dec 2nd 9th 16th
Autumn Term Tuesday Breakfast ClubR-607.45 - 08.45Nov 5th 12th 19th 26th
Dec 3rd 10th 17th
Autumn Term Wednesday Breakfast ClubR-607.45 - 08.45Nov 6th 13th 20th 27th
Dec 4th 11th 18th
Autumn Term Thursday Breakfast ClubR-607.45 - 08.45Nov 7th 14th 21st 28th
Dec 5th 12th 19th
Autumn Term Friday Breakfast ClubR-607.45 - 08.45Nov 8th 15th 22nd 29th
Dec 6th 13th 20th
Autumn Term Multi Sports Club (Tuesday After-School)R-615.15 - 16.30Nov 5th 12th 19th 26th
Dec 3rd 10th 17th
Autumn Term Spy Club **TERM 2 ONLY** (Wednesday After-School)1-615.15 - 16.30Nov 6th 13th 20th 27th
Dec 4th 11th 18th